What should have been done by governments and wider society in response to climate change
The problem of climate change from the burning of fossil fuels has been known about for decades, and the Paris Agreement clarified what the limit to climate change should be (keeping the increase in global temperature to well under 2°C, pursuing effects to limit it to 1.5°C).
Following the Paris Agreement, there should have been a discussion of its implications, agreement of a plan to eliminate fossil fuels, and implementation of the plan.
A strategy should have been devised with the following key elements
All parts of society should have cooperated. In summary
Very little of this has happened.
- an assessment of the degree of urgency of action: leading to a decision of emergency (not routine) action
- a decision on the main objective: deciding on a limit to global warming of 1.5°C
- an understanding of the science of achieving this objective: staying within the appropriate carbon budget
- including the commitment in the Paris Agreement to equity between nations
- using a fair accounting system: including all CO2 emissions
- stating clearly the required speed of change: double digit percentage annual emission cuts
- detailing credibly compliant policies
- quality control measures should have worked, e.g. avoiding false solutions.
- climate scientists should have explained the key points of the scientific consensus
- government scientists should have echoed this explanation.
- governments should have
- listened carefully
- implemented effective policies
- the media should have conveyed the situation accurately to the general population
- businesses and other organisations should have implemented change
- quality control measures should have worked - so errors in decision making should have been corrected due to scrutiny by
- media
- commentators
- advocacy groups, campaigners and protesters
- the legal system
- individuals should have implemented change and ensured good decision making.
Implications of the Paris Agreement
The problem of climate change from the burning of fossil fuels has been known about for decades, and the Paris Agreement clarified what the limit to climate change should be (keeping the increase in global temperature to well under 2°C, pursuing effects to limit it to 1.5°C).- "[Global] emissions of CO2 would need to fall by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching 'net zero' around 2050." [1], with greater falls in developed countries in line with the Paris Agreement
- "limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require rapid and far-reaching transitions in energy, land, urban and infrastructure (including transport and buildings), and industrial systems" [2]
- "These systems transitions are unprecedented in terms of scale, but not necessarily in terms of speed, and imply deep emissions reductions in all sectors" [2]
Key elements in a climate change strategy
Strategies should have been devised with the following key elements
- an assessment of the degree of urgency of action: leading to a decision of emergency (not routine) action
- a decision on the main objective: deciding on a limit to global warming of 1.5°C
- an understanding of the science of achieving this objective: staying within the appropriate carbon budget
- including the commitment in the Paris Agreement to equity between nations
- using a fair accounting system: including all CO2 emissions
- stating clearly the required speed of change: double digit percentage annual emission cuts
- detailing credibly compliant policies
- quality control measures should have worked, e.g. avoiding false solutions.
Children develop a sense of fairness at an early age. Adults generally develop this inate sense of fairness into opinions and actions that aim to protect weaker members of society. To some extent, protecting weaker members of society is in everyone's personal interest since everyone can fall on misfortune. In democracies, those in positions of power are expected to behave according to specified standards, so that they do not abuse their power. These standards are set out in national codes of conduct and in international agreements such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [3]
All parts of society should have cooperated
- Climate scientists should have explained the key points of the scientific consensus:
- action is urgent and a very high priority because the harm is enormous, irreversible and cumulative
- the aim is to set a limit to global warming - to 1.5°C
- via limitation of the CO2 budget and equity in division between countries
- which means steady emission cuts to stay within this budget
- Government scientists and other parts of government should have echoed this explanation.
- Governments should have
- listened carefully
- recognised that climate change is an over-riding priority
- implemented effective policies
- The media should have conveyed the situation accurately to the general population.
- Businesses and other organisations should have implemented change.
- Quality control measures should have worked - so errors in decision making should have been corrected due to scrutiny by
- media
- commentators
- advocacy groups, campaigners and protesters
- the legal system
- individuals should have implemented change and ensured good decision making.
The end result
The end result should have been a good response by all sections of society, so that- a limit to global warming was set
- a CO2 budget was calculated
- the budget was divided in a fair manner between countries
- in each country, a timescale of emission cuts was agreed that woud stay within the CO2 budget for that country
- accounting procedures were carried out with integrity
- plans were made that would lead to the emission cuts agreed
- the plans were adhered to.
[1] | IPCC (Oct 2018) SR15 Summary for policymakers https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/sites/2/2018/07/SR15_SPM_version_stand_alone_LR.pdf |
[2] | IPCC (Oct 2018) SR15 report headline statements https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/sites/2/2019/06/SR15_Headline-statements.pdf |
[3] | The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Proclamation by the General Assembly of the United Nations http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html |
First published: 20 Dec 2021