Fridays for Future: Consistent with the IPCC
Fridays for Future is an organisation founded by Greta Thunberg and colleagues in the youth climate movement.
A document that appears to be typical of their messaging is assessed here by a checklist for consistency with the IPCC.
The findings are that the messaging is in line with what the IPCC says needs to be done.
A document that appears to be typical of their messaging is assessed here by a checklist for consistency with the IPCC.
The findings are that the messaging is in line with what the IPCC says needs to be done.
Summary table Assessment against a checklist for consistency with the IPCC regarding climate action
Climate action an overriding priority | Temperature limit e.g. 1.5°C | Keeping to the IPCC CO2 budget | Including equity between nations | Including all CO2 emissions | Double digit percentage annual emission cuts | Credibly compliant policies | Avoiding false solutions | Number of fails | |
Fridays for Future | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | N/A | ![]() | 0 |

This can be compared with the assessments for other groups via the summary table in document 154.
The organisation
Fridays for Future (https://fridaysforfuture.org) is an organisation founded by Greta Thunberg and colleagues in the youth climate movement. Its demands (August 2019) [1] are:
- Keep the global temperature rise below 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels.
- Ensure climate justice and equity.
- Listen to the best united science currently available.
Messaging assessed for climate realism or denial
A document that seems to be typical of the messaging from Fridays for Future is assessed here using a checklist to assess consistency with the IPCC - see document 138.Climate denial in various forms is widespread throughout society. Some individuals and organisations accept the basic science of climate change, and the interpretation that the climate is changing due to burning of fossil fuels by mankind, but have a mental block about the implications for policy decisions, which is termed implicatory denial by sociologists [2].
The document assessed [3] is an open letter of 2021 to the global media from Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate. It is reproduced below in the Appendix.
Assessment of the Fridays for Future document
A summary of the assessment is given at the top of this page. Details of the checklist elements are given here.1. Is climate action an overriding priority, on the basis of e.g. the gross injustice?
YES - the text states
most important of all [is] justice. ...the very people who have done the least to create the climate crisis are suffering the most
2. Is a limit to global warming specified, generally 1.5°C?
YES - a limit of 1.5°C is clearly stated.
3. Is there adherence to the IPCC CO2 budget? Is the mechanism for limiting global warming clearly stated to be limiting further total global CO2 emissions to the CO2 budget specified by the IPCC?
4. Is equity between nations incorporated? Are the implications of the international commitments to global equity properly taken into account, i.e. that developed nations cut emissions faster than the global average?
YES - there is a statement "you cannot ignore the Global North's moral responsibility to move much faster in reducing their emissions".
5. Are all CO2 emissions included, particularly those embodied in imports and exports and those from aviation and shipping?
Yes - there is a statement "When considering our remaining carbon budget we need to count all the numbers and include all of our emissions".
6. Is the size of appropriate annual emission cuts specified e.g. double digit percentage cuts in developed countries?
YES - this is implied by the wording "immediate, drastic, annual emission reductions unlike anything the world has ever seen".
7. Are any policies discussed consistent with this timescale?
Not applicable
8. Are false solutions avoided?
In summary, the Fridays for Future document has no failures on the checklist.
[1] | Fridays for future: Our demands https://fridaysforfuture.org/what-we-do/our-demands/ (accessed 21.2.23) |
[2] | Iain Walker and Zoe Leviston (2019) There are three types of climate change denier - and most of us are at least one The Conversation https://theconversation.com/there-are-three-types-of-climate-change-denier-and-most-of-us-are-at-least-one-124574 |
[3] | An Open Letter to the Global Media by Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate (29 Oct 2021) Time https://time.com/6111851/greta-thunberg-vanessa-nakate-open-letter-media/ |
Appendix: The text of the open letter
Dear media editors around the world,
Melting glaciers, wildfires, droughts, deadly heatwaves, floods, hurricanes, loss of biodiversity. These are all symptoms of a destabilizing planet, which are happening around us all the time.
Those are the kind of things you report about. Sometimes. The climate crisis, however, is much more than just this. If you want to truly cover the climate crisis, you must also report on the fundamental issues of time, holistic thinking and justice.
So what does that mean? Let's look at these issues one by one.
First, the notion of time. If your stories do not include the notion of a ticking clock, then the climate crisis is just a political topic among other topics, something we can just buy, build or invest our way out of. Leave out the aspect of time and we can continue pretty much like today and "solve the problems" later on. 2030, 2050 or 2060. The best available science shows that with our current rate of emissions, our remaining carbon budget for staying below 1.5°C will run out before the end of this decade.
Second, holistic thinking. When considering our remaining carbon budget we need to count all the numbers and include all of our emissions. Currently, you are letting high income nations and big polluters off the hook, allowing them to hide behind the incomplete statistics, loopholes and rhetoric they have fought so hard to create during the last 30 years.
Third, and most important of all, justice. The climate crisis isn't just about extreme weather. It's about people. Real people. And the very people who have done the least to create the climate crisis are suffering the most. And while the Global South is on the frontlines of the climate crisis, it's almost never on the front pages of the world's newspapers. As Western media focuses on wildfires in California or Australia or flooding in Europe, climate-related catastrophes are ravaging communities across the Global South, but receive very little coverage.
To include the element of justice, you cannot ignore the Global North's moral responsibility to move much faster in reducing their emissions. By the end of this year, the world will have collectively burned through 89% of the carbon budget that gives us a 66% chance of staying below 1.5°C.
That's why historic emissions not only count, but are in fact at the very heart of the debate over climate justice. And yet historical emissions are still being almost completely ignored by the media and people in power.
To stay below the targets set in the Paris Agreement, and thereby minimize the risks of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control, we need immediate, drastic, annual emission reductions unlike anything the world has ever seen. And as we don't have the technological solutions that alone will do anything close to that in the foreseeable future, it means we have to make fundamental changes in our society. This is the uncomfortable result of our leaders' failure to address this crisis.
Your responsibility to help correct this failure cannot be overstated. We are social animals and if our leaders, and our media, don't act as if we were in a crisis then of course we won't understand that we are. One of the essential elements of a functioning democracy is a free press that objectively informs the citizens of the great challenges our society faces. And the media must hold the people in power accountable for their actions, or inactions.
You are among our last hopes. No one else has the possibility and the opportunity to reach as many people in the extremely short timeframe we have. We cannot do this without you. The climate crisis is only going to become more urgent. We can still avoid the worst consequences, we can still turn this around. But not if we continue like today. You have the resources and possibilities to change the story overnight.
Whether or not you choose to rise to that challenge is up to you. Either way, history will judge you.
Greta and Vanessa
First published: 12 Feb 2023
Last updated: 14 Aug 2023