Pleas from the world's poorest

People who are most at risk from climate change are asking the rich countries not to wreck their lives.
People living in the rich countries have a choice whether they care about the harm that they are causing via their CO2 emissions, and whether they honour their promises to limit these emisssions.
These are some of the pleas for action from some of those most affected by climate change.
1. Kenya (video)2. Uganda and Kenya
"The impacts of climate change are increasingly part of our daily lives"
A plea for a sustainable future [1]:
The impacts of climate change are increasingly part of our daily lives - for example, the prolonged drought in the northern part of Kenya and the northern part of Uganda, especially the Karamoja region, and the devastating floods, both in the east and western part of Uganda, which have washed away people's crops and left many people suffering in poor livelihoods. That's why we come today and urge all the world leaders and policy makers to ensure that they put people before profits if we are all achieving a sustainable future for all of us. Thank you.

The Pacific Ocean countries: "1.5 to stay alive!"
https://twitter.com/cop27pacific/status/1592568840873218048 (Nov 2022)"Madagascar is paying price for cheap European flights"
Madagascar paying price for cheap European flights, says climate minister (Nov 2021)https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/06/madagascar-paying-price-for-cheap-european-flights-says-climate-minister
The Maldives: "Do not compromise on 1.5°C"
Ex-Maldives president to tell Cop26: do not compromise on 1.5C (Nov 2021)https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/01/ex-maldives-president-to-tell-cop26-do-not-compromise-on-15c
Other human stories of the effect of climate change
The rising cost of the climate crisis in flooded South Sudan - in pictures (Nov 2021)https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/nov/30/the-rising-cost-of-the-climate-crisis-in-flooded-south-sudan-in-pictures
"We can't live like this": climate shocks rain down on Honduras's poorest (Oct 2021)
"Summers are becoming unbearable": living on the frontline of global heating (Nov 2021)
"The whole ecosystem was wiped": living on the frontline of global heating (Nov 2021)
"Act now. This is a crisis": Edwin Namakanga (2022) https://twitter.com/edwinNamakanga/status/1603731979559739393References
[1] | Edwin Namakanga (2022) https://twitter.com/edwinNamakanga/status/1605314205200039942 |
First published 13 Dec 2022
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024