Actions by organisations
All organisations, whether media, businesses, or third sector, needs to consider how to respond to the climate emergency.
Every organisation should be acting according to the scientific consensus that
- climate change needs to be treated as an emergency
- efforts need to be made to keep global warming within 1.5°C
- this means urgent radical cuts in emissions in the high emission countries such as the UK.
It is important not to repeat misinformation, and to take heed of the warning from the United Nations Secretary-General that some government and business leaders are lying - see document 136.
Organisations should be consistent with the IPCC and follow the checklist in document 138:
- Is climate action an overriding priority, on the basis of e.g. the gross injustice?
- Is a limit to global warming specified, generally 1.5°C?
- Is there adherence to the IPCC CO2 budget?
- Is global equity incorporated?
- Is the size of appropriate annual emission cuts specified e.g. double digit percentage cuts in developed countries?
- Are any policies discussed consistent with this timescale?
- Are false solutions avoided?
Many businesses and other organisations heat buildings to an unnecessary extent. They could lower temperatures towards the minimum 16°C specified by UK law.
First published: 2008
Last updated: 15 Jul 2019