International comparisons
Methods for a fair comparison
To make a meaningful comparison between countries, two points are crucial.- The comparison must be of emissions per person. Little information is obtained from comparing the total emissions for whole countries since the largest countries have the biggest totals.
- All relevant emissions must be included, including emissions produced in the manufacture of goods that have been imported.
A summary chart and some examples are given below.
Once allowance is made for population size and imports/exports, it is clear that it is wrong to pick out China and India for censure.
Summary chart

This chart is free of copyright restrictions.
World CO2 emissions
The total was about 36 billion tonnnes CO2 in 2019 [1].UK greenhouse gas emissions
Total greenhouse gas emissions were around 930 million tonnes CO2-e per year in 2015, including imports/exports and aviation [2].China CO2 emissions
Emissions were 10.1 billion tonnes CO2 in 2018 [4].USA CO2 emissions
Emissions were 5.42 billion tonnes CO2 in 2018 [4].India CO2 emissions
Emissions were 2.65 billion tonnes CO2 in 2018 [4].Mozambique CO2 emissions
Emissions were 8.3 million tonnes CO2 in 2018 [4].References
[1] | https://www.statista.com/statistics/276629/global-co2-emissions/ accessed 27.9.21 |
[2] | https://www.carbonindependent.org/32.html |
[3] | https://www.carbonindependent.org/23.html |
[4] | Global Carbon Atlas http://www.globalcarbonatlas.org/en/CO2-emissions |
[5] | https://www.carbonbrief.org/mapped-worlds-largest-co2-importers-exporters |
Last updated: 18 May 2023